2012-09-05 12:20:12 UTC
Anyone know of a good machine shop in the Detroit/Toledo area--a shop
that knows what they're doing with old Jap stuff?
While I'm at it, got a '78 XS650, what other year 650 engines are
compatible w/ '78 and why? Is it just a points vs. CDI thing? Also, I
keep finding 650 engines that are huffed as far as compression goes,
design flaw or my bad luck?
Riverside Machine and automation has great service. They were very prompt and efficient during my visit. It's: http://www.riverside-machine.com/...that knows what they're doing with old Jap stuff?
While I'm at it, got a '78 XS650, what other year 650 engines are
compatible w/ '78 and why? Is it just a points vs. CDI thing? Also, I
keep finding 650 engines that are huffed as far as compression goes,
design flaw or my bad luck?